We finally have a brand new domain - https://fen4o.com and it uses CloudFlare for caching, force HTTPS and other goodies.

Setup is easy:

  • buy domain
  • register at CloudFlare
  • at your domain provider set Nameservers to point to CloudFlare’s Nameservers (you can see those in the configuration for your site)
  • add at least 2 CNAME records to your DNS record at CloudFlare

    • CNAME your-domain.com your-github-name.github.io
    • CNAME www your-github-name.github.io

      CloudFlare provides CNAME Flattening and you can safely use CNAME for root CNAME records.

  • add CNAME file to your-github-name.github.io containing your-domain.com
  • wait till domain information propagates

Cheap and quick to setup.

Try it!